The bells announce the Victory
Far away from this civilisation
Where money is the king, pleasure the only aim, and success the highlight of life.
Far away from the relentless fights,suicidal competitions, from the passion of the blind pride,
Far away from a society dominated by the lord of falsehood,
Invisible, not recognisable, a group of beings of another race, superhuman, still children grows in the Light
Without disturbing desires, they do not look for either money or human comfort,
Conscious of their divinity, they suffer in the animal body.
As man is not jealous of the cow grazing the luxuriant herb, these beings watch with dismay
people running everywhere like fools in search of money, pleasure and imaginary power.
Man, tormented by his animal nature,
His mental consciousness closed to heaven is incapable to see the universal unity.
Conflicts, fights, divisions, , barriers, oppositions, contradictions of others are real to his spirit.
Collaboration, association, true brotherhood, union are foreign to him.
He is at ease inside his limits; his happiness lies in a restricted enclosure.
But Nature is never at rest,
she lets the people sing their requiem, bathe in the warmth sun of the mortal golden decline.
She lets them play in an alley without exit,and advances in giant steps
Towards the glittering future of a happy earth burning with a mystic fire.
The knell rings for the opponent
The bells announce the victory of the Mother.
Nature is only an opaque facade of the eternal Mother,
The supreme force has always directed in detail the great earthly evolution.
She leads all the creation from division towards the unique Origin, the One
From suffering and death towards the immortal felicity of the divine life.
N.Guha Roy
That alone is the Reality
I have become intensely aware of a Reality, the One.
Compact totality where everything exists eternally, immortal.
Individual, identical, one with all in essence, part of the One.
There is no distance, there is no death, loss or separation.
Each one is That who is the eternal Actor, the conscious being in all.
Unaffected by the play, undiminished, ever pure, always whole and integral, in movement ,
An unending Lila of self discovery , of self manifestation in infinite roles.
This is the Permanent, the adobe of truth, the divine Reality.
Beyond the clasp of time, division and suffering
Even time and space have a completely different significance.
Through any point in space, one emerges into infinity,
The point itself being infinite,
The whole of Infinity too is a point.
The past extends in a huge retrograde movement and emerges in the future,
The future curves into the past through a vast movement in time.
The present is an eternel unfading immobile scene of action
Of a vast infinite eternal Consciousness of being.
It is a seed, yet the tree,
The ocean yet the stray droplet of water,
The ray yet the whole sun
One single million hued Felicity inaccessible to the words
Yet a luminously vibrant Existence of unfathomable mystery.
That, That alone is the Reality
To Thee , O mysterious Presence, our heart's gratitude.
Niranjan Guha Roy 1967
The New Power

There are more and more signs that forced and compelled by worsening circumstances, tension and violence, the nations might seek another lasting solution.
Politics everywhere in the world is perhaps the worst form of human ignorance. Society has lost its moral and ethical values. There is no security for anyone anywhere. Violence is the order of the day, religion at best inefective. All cherished value are going down to the drain. Pornography, violence, horror are all permitted, profitable highly exploited commercial articles. It seems that even those who had some idealistic approach to life are being sucked in the tremendous and powerful whirlpool of dark influence. Mankind is like a rudderless ship driven by a mad hurricane towards seemingly a disastrous rocky shore. That is why the Mother in one of Her messages said something like this " Men, countries, continents the choice is imerative, choose the Truth or perish"
A new formidable power and consciousness has come in the evolutionary play on the earth. What cannot change, what resists and refuses the call of the soul, what is unwilling to respond to a greatez demand for Truth, peace and harmony , all that stands in the way of the new manifestation, all that wants to cling to the ordinary human way will come under the greatest pressure of this force of truth. They must change or gradually disappear and make way for the new realisation.
All the souls who yearn for a new life of truth, beauty and harmony even so little are candidates for a new divine race. But their attempt will be very difficult in a world totally hostile to any true light, any divine power and manifestation. This new power manifesting on earth is the all conquering will of the Divine. It has the power to transform matter. and the power to crush and silence all oppositions to the new creation. But we are just at the beginning of this new evolution. This new consciousness is like a new born child on the earth ,l one day he will be the supreme Conqueror.The world is under tremendous pressure of this Force which demands transformation, a new orientation towards the noblest aims
Let the Mother of beauty, knowledge, love, force and invariable joy be established in our hearts.
She is sending invitations to Her yearning children to enter this wonderful new life.
She will arrange the very best for each one so that one may grow towards the divine Truth at his own pace, in his own distinct way.
N.Guha Roy 1979