Experiences with the Force

The body was flooded with felicity and delight. I entered into a world of absolute Presence of the Divine, His Love and Delight, extremely powerful.

The Force was working in the whole body as if it was burning. It subsided. The vision was overwhelming, it seemed as if the whole body had become a power generating dynamo, an extremely powerful vibration. The vibration seemed absolutely immobile. The Presence of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo filled the whole space. I could almost see Their physical Presence, huge most reassuring, as if all Their support was with me. It was a living body of bottomless, vast, most powerful  Everything was silent, there was no sound anywhere.

The energy flowed, I couldn’t contain it. The whole body was like a powerful dynamo. I thought I would blow up, but gradually things subsided, energy was always there, Light, Light, everywhere. The Power sometimes receded, then came back, almost with an explosive violence. I felt as if all the cells were burnt out, but relieved. As if I  have crossed the bar and been admitted in the supreme spiritual Reality, everything, everyone, anything in my mind became ravishingly Divine. The whole world, all the beings were only the Divine in His splendor. In that Light, intolerable ecstasy going through the body like a gigantic generator, the inner being has been crushed out of existence as if it has passed through a massive  crushing machine, nothing is left of the personality, everything has been scattered into the infinity of God, into the vast boundless, vibrating ocean of Love, the Mother. There is nothing but the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, They are One Supreme Being, everywhere in everything, staggeringly powerful, devastating Presence.

1999 Niranjan Guha Roy

Some Words 2

A prayer given by the Mother:
"I salute Thee, O Mother with intense gratitude.
May Thy unique Presence radiate in my life."

I am told that God distributes a different role to each one to come on earth. 

Only Divine Love can transform the earth life.

Unity and Harmony.

.Radha, Kali, Krishna, all united in the consciousness.

The Asuric forces will lose their grip on the world.  

 The painful Force came back and worked from the chest downwards for half an hour or less. 
It was more bearable.  It opened a closed box inside me - took the lid apart.

The painful Force worked in the body for half an hour or so.  It made me very tired.

The Essays on the Gita by Sri Aurobindo are the foundation
of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo.

The whole night there was a silent and deadly battle between the Divine Force

and powerful adversary in my body, in the blood stream.  The Divine Force all the time neutralized poison injected in the blood.

The painful Force worked in the body for over an hour.  I went to sleep.

Om Douce Mère.  Another step forward.

Some words

The body must not be pushed too hard.  It is not by making the body stronger that it can be transformed.  It is only by an exclusive concentration of the spiritual Power that any transformation is possible.

I prayed that my work be imposed on me by the Divine.

 Patience, more patience.  To go very slowly.

A heart without love is a dried-up land.

Satya - sangha - The Truth Society exists in the subtle domain. 

The ONE is the ultimate Reality.

I said to the Mother, “I am Your slave.  You are always with me.  I have no life without You, I am always ready to serve You.”

My state of consciousness - absolute certitude of the unique Divine existence.

The Mother said surrender will be the general culture of the world.

I said to Sri Aurobindo“When I repeat the name of Sri Aurobindo for any individual  problem, it is solved in no time.

To go very slow.  High speed will ruin the work.

Then I understand that each one, each being has his own ray of sun that is his personal relation with the Divine and the cord for climbing towards God.


N.Guha Roy


Prayers to the Mother

To the Mother

Om Douce Mère, May my surrender be so complete that I am moved only by Thee.
Om Sri Aurobindo, may I participate in the Work, as You like me to do - spontaneously.               

May I be so replete with You  that I may absorb

All ignorant shocks
Give me strength and peace
To withstand the violence of the unillumined consciousness

Lead me in the right direction.
May we not get caught in any wrong movement.

May my surrender become perfect.
May I see the unbound, unconditioned Supreme Godhead,
Eternal and infinite in all manifestation
And beyond all in a timeless, spaceless Infinity.

MayThy limitless Love unite all the people
May Thy peace and unity triumph everywhere
May I become a perfect instrument in Thy hands
May I become fully aware of the divine  will
May I become more and more conscious of the Divine.
Inspire us to do the right thing in a spontaneous way .
May my life be consecrated to the most difficult task.
May I be possessed by the self realising divine power

When the eye is open then, through all the innumerable creeks
in things and beings one sees only the Divine everywhere.
It is a constant ceaseless manifestation of the Divine.

All is done by the Divine, in the Divine.
As we become conscious of the Divine,
we move more and more with the divine rhythm
In a satisfied harmony

May I be always conscious of the Divine, the Ocean
and may I not loose myself in the play of the waves

May I see the Ocean even in the spray
Thrown out by the dancing waves.


Niranjan Guha Roy

A ravishing glimpse of the future

Some are satisfied with the petty round of uneventful life,
Content to continue as their elders did, closed to the evolutionary urge,
And refuse to move forward, refuse to budge from mortal immobility,

O souls burning with an inner fire for change, for perfection,
God and Nature are your friends, but do not shout victory too soon.
Many frontiers have to be broken, all barriers separating man
From the Supreme Divine have to be erased until the soul
Emerges in the everlasting daylight of peace, harmony, Bbiss,
And indivisible unity and oneness embracing all creation.

The vilest of man lodges in his secret heart the highest Divinity.
As the inner Divinity stirs in his sleep, as he gradually wakes up,
An unprecedented upheaval shakes the very foundation of life.
Man, the dreamer, the visionary, the seeker of Truth is born.
The cramped boundaries of human knowledge dissolves suddenly
Into an unimaginable boundless Infinity of peace and light,
An oceanic Love invades and floods his life, mind, body and soul.
Shafts of supernal Light pour down through the broken ceiling
Of his mind and reveal the secret code of the eternal plan.
This bloody world of ceaseless wars disappears like an unreal mirage.
Each being, form or face becomes a poignant symbol, a miracle,
A ravishing glimpse of an unfathomable mysterious Presence.

Rejoice, there is nothing to fear. The sleeping Godhead in man
Is rising and will possess him entirely, fill him with divinity
Not man, but his ignorance, suffering and ego shall die.
Supremely conscious Mother Nature is creating a divine race.
Just as man emerged through a few million years from the ape,
So too now, the divine man will emerge out of this mental race.
God is Peace, Love, Joy, Beauty, Harmony, inexhaustible Infinity.
A new earth will manifest where brother does not kill brother,
No one goes hungry, no child weeps, no woman is dishonored.
Where all the barriers of caste, creed, color, religion and wealth
Disappear in a natural fraternity based on the Eternal One.
Even the snakes, wolves, sharks and marauders will become friends.
The terrible curse of the original sin will be lifted forever,
There will be singing and dancing and laughter in every hamlet.
Man will cease to be a diabolical beast, a cunning cannibal.
There no one would be a stranger, each one a true brother or sister.
The soul will recognise the Supreme Mother in every woman,
The Lord in all men and creatures.

God is closed as in a bud in every atom of this universe.
Once all the inner doors are fully open to the Light,
We shall feel God's body in whatever we touch and feel,
We shall hear the voice of Silence in every sound here,
Be thrilled with His silvery laughter in rippling water
And swoon in ecstasy in the grip of His sweet Power.

This is only the amazing opening scene of an inconceivable epic-drama.
God cannot be enclosed in a church, mosque or temple,
Nor His ways can ever be petrified in a text however sublime.
For the born-blind the sun does not exist nor the earth.
Far above and beyond the mind is the Supreme Eternal One.
The divine man is a friend of all creation, a living Power
Of Peace and Harmony, a kind healer of heart, mind and body.
The flame in his soul will ignite fire in many sleeping souls.
The Mother Divine stands smiling behind the curtain of Nature.
No one can be excluded; we are all Her children, portions of the One.
Like rain, Her blessings are falling on thirsty souls.

Niranjan Guha Roy

What are the steps of our ascension and preparation?

The evolution proceeded perfectly before the coming of man - man too is just a product of evolution, he is not the creator or the power who creates this world. At the moment he is moved and led forward through his ignorance, weakness and obscurity and suffering by the Supreme Power. He can aspire to be conscious of Her action, of Her aim in life. He can aspire to be a conscious, humble, simple servant and instrument, a child, Her conscious portion in the world drama possessed and moved by Her alone. But to arrive at this difficult and sacred consummation, what must he do? What are the steps of his ascension and preparation?

1) To discover the Soul or the Divine personality in us by concentration on the heart center. The result would be the liberation into the consciousness of immortality and divine existence. There is no question or imagination or guesswork or even wishful thinking. It is an undeniable, unmistakable state of consciousness self-evident requiring no proof.

2)     The first movement as it deepens and widens will lead to the opening of all the centers in the being, especially one above the head known as the thousand petaled lotus. This opening will have concrete results constantly verifiable whenever one concentrates, meditates or wills; a consciousness, a power or force or light or joy or peace will come down through the head into the body to the heart center. This will be a normal experience; eventually this descent will be a continuous flow practically constant during waking, during sleeping, during work or leisure. The intensity will vary. The Divine Mother will pour Herself more and more in the instrument more and more purified, more and more transformed. There will be a constant widening and deepening of the consciousness accompanied by hundreds of spiritual experiences and constant revelations. The inner subtle walls separating us from the Cosmic Consciousness, from the Divine Consciousness will break down or explode under the pressure of the descending forces or the powers rising from within. This is a very dangerous and dramatic and heroic period of sadhana. Every human being is the quintessence of all the manifestation, of all that is beyond the manifestation. The high and the low join in him. There will be constant unrelenting battle in his being and consciousness between the lords of darkness and the beings of light, truth and greatness. There is no escape from this inner battle. At every moment the choice has to be made. Our only safeguard is to aspire and call down more and more the Divine Mother - consciousness, force - into our being. It is Her gradual and more and more complete descent that will eventually transform this human nature into the divine being. Nothing else could do it.

The key is an absolute surrender to the Divine at each instant with the knowledge that whatever happens in our life or in the life of the universe has been permitted and initiated by the Supreme Consciousness. There should be a joyful, obedient acceptance of every being, thing and movement in the universe. There must be at the same time a growing will to do at every instant what the Divine wants us to do. There must be an anxiety, a keen eagerness, an unfaltering faithfulness and loyalty and fervor to execute the Divine Will. This knowledge of the Divine Will can grow with our growing surrender and progressive annihilation of the ego. We must see the Spirit and the Divine in everyone and everything. The Absolute has taken an ephemeral relative form withholding in it all His absoluteness. It is the play, the Lila of the Divine Being, being all powerful, being all vision, being all wisdom, He is the lame, the blind, the wicked, the distorted for the sake of play and the sheer delight of existence. At any moment He can change His role, transform the world and reveal some splendid ray of His built-in divinity. The Absolute in all, the Absolute beyond everything, beyond all. We must cease to exist in infinity of eternal Existence and Consciousness. The iceberg must lose its identity in the Ocean and know itself only as a partial limited formation, a dream instant of the Ocean. If there is not that total liberation of the soul in the Divine Consciousness, there is the danger of a contrary result leading to utter self-oblivion, deception and ultimate spiritual ruin by the demonic magnification of the human ego. The results are inordinately cruel, powerful, megalomaniac beings who bring agony, violence, terror and death. This too is permitted by the Supreme Divine Will for a divine purpose, but this surely cannot be our aim for the world has seen enough of those monsters who are not extinct yet. This cannot happen to anyone who has truly discovered his soul or to anyone who sincerely aspires for a spiritual and divine existence.

N.Guha Roy

There is a vast revolution going on.

There is a vast revolution going on.  It cannot stop until the New Life is fully established on earth.  In other words, this period of great transition gives the sense of instability and precariousness.  Due to the pressure of the Divine Force, all the darkness and devil’s stuff hidden in the human nature are rising like the scum on the surface of molten metal.  This is happening on the individual as well as the universal level.  The Fire of transformation has engulfed the whole world.  All that moves towards the Divine, the One, Peace and Harmony is safe.  All that refuses to budge, entrenched in separation and division, ignorance, obscurity and violence is inevitably moving towards extinction.  When one looks from this point of view, then one can see inside and outside of oneself what is helpful and what is self-destructive – what helps us to come closer to the Divine and what keeps us away from the Divine.  When we think, feel, speak and act in a way which brings us close to the Divine, we begin to enjoy the felicity of the constant Divine Presence.  This work can be done anywhere.  If one is serious, then one can feel the invisible Sun constantly shining over the whole earth and inevitably transforming it into a kingdom of God.


N;Guha roy 1992


I listened through the ages

 I listened through the ages, mute millenniums,
Far, far beyond the corridors of myths and legends.
I felt the heart of the burdened time.
I heard soul-searing cries and lamentations
Of cruel separation, pillage, murder, broken hopes,
Ruin, starvation, revenge, betrayal and hatred.

Gleams of moon rays, ringing laughter
And silver jingling bells so rarely
Accompanied the carmine fierce drama,
That the Seers of old gave up hope in their blindness
And left the poor earth to her seemingly uncompromising fate.

We love to weep and treasure our tragedies,
Gloat over the misery of our own kind,
And triumphantly celebrate slaughter and disaster.
Happiness is cloying, peace is monotonous,
Mirth of the youth and the frolic of the flowers
Are pastimes for the poets, artists and lunatics.

But the clay hides unshaped unseen dream-jars.
Sorrow and suffering are the outer coatings of a deep joy,
Ever new and more intoxicating than blood and tears.

The bud of sorrow blossoms on walls, partitions and division,
Dies in the wide openness of God’s Oneness.


N.Guha Roy - 1956

The only goal of our life.



Nowadays I have no plans and projects. As I get in touch with a higher consciousness, I feel as if I have a diseased brain. What appears to us as the normal consciousness seen from above is an absurd, lamentable madness; the body an uncertain, decaying, precarious, animal structure, miraculously kept in order by an Infinite Grace. So my whole concentration is to establish the true consciousness. To see the Divine in every being, in all events and movements, shaping, organising, preparing the world for a higher manifestation.

The Great Mother is constantly at work. Her mission is to create a divine race on earth. We must never forget Her, but allow Her to work for transformation in our consciousness.

I am aware of an absolute power and wisdom and love which is the origin and source of all that exists here and beyond. Just as a tree grows out of a seed, in the same way the world is moving towards a glorious, luminous future. Nothing happens to us which is not already determined. By a total surrender to the Divine Mother without insisting on the fulfillment of our own ideas and desires; by accepting whatever She decides for us and others; by rejecting always everything that comes from the dark, ignorant, lower, vital, mental consciousness; by a growing faith and confidence in the Divine Mother, we are freed from all suffering and enter into an ever happy and harmonious consciousness, and live always in the Presence Divine.

May we want only what She wants.
May we never stand in Her way, in Her work of transformation in us.
May we be faithful to Her and collaborate with Her fully.
May we be always completely under Her divine influence.
The Mother is real. No one, nothing can stand in Her way.
She is our Guide and Pathfinder.


1986 Niranjan Guha Roy







The Mother is the Key, the Door, the Bridge

If one could remember the Mother while at work and consider it as entrusted to us by the Mother,  all belonging to the Mother , any work will become at every second a service dedicated to the Mother. The more we consider this world as belonging to the Mother who is taking care of it in Her absolute wisdom and love, the more we will become aware of Her Presence in things and beings and beyond everything.
If we can remind ourselves everyday that this world was a ball of fire and now is a miracle of human drama, then we will step into the Mystery of God, His self creation. Each thing, each being, lives and glows for a second in the eternity. Behind it all, supporting all, substance of all, forever unseizable yet tangible, perceptible is the supreme fascination, a joy, a love, a beauty which compels us to live and enjoy and pursue It through all time. Once we have a glimpse of Him, of Her, then the life becomes a rhapsody, a song of delight, a game of chase, hide and seek, a tireless happy play with the sweet Companion.

As long as we are attached to the surface glitter, as long as we are satisfied with fugitive pleasures, as long as we are bound and enclosed in our little self, we miss this grand liberation, the vast measureless self play, the Lila of the Divine.
The Mother is the key, the door, the bridge, the stairway, the wide luminous straight auspicious, secure crystal paved Highway to that liberation.


N.guha Roy 1984