Motherland Simplified Privacy Policy

In order to facilitate the understanding of our privacy policy, this page is voluntarily simplified. You can see the complete policy on the “Privacy Policy” page

Contact details : Owner and controller:

Owner and publisher: Mme Anita Guha-Roy

Owner’s mailing address: 21, rue du Gréo – 56870 Baden – France

Contact: rf.oo1722079268danaw1722079268@dnal1722079268rehto1722079268m1722079268

Contact email of the owner for questions regarding personal data: ten.y1722079268orahu1722079268g-dna1722079268lreht1722079268om@os1722079268rep-s1722079268eenno1722079268d1722079268

Use of the personal data collected

We collect some personal data from users, but we respect this data and do not share it with anyone (except legal authorities). This data is mainly used for statistical and security purposes. The user has the possibility to disable some cookies but others, intimately linked to security, cannot be disabled.

Personal data collected: types and purposes

Comments on the report

The site does not allow comments, no data can be collected.

Media and media

The site does not allow the insertion of media, no data can be collected.

Contact forms for contact

The site offers a contact form that does not store any data. The message is simply sent by email to the site manager. The email address is required for a reply to be given.


– Comment cookies: not applicable

– Login cookies: not applicable

– Audience measurement cookies: We use Google Analytics services and you have the option to decline linked cookies.

– Security cookies: We use third-party security or optimization systems, the corresponding cookies cannot be disabled.

The refusal to use cookies accessible by the lower banner during the first visit only disables cookies related to statistics.

Embedded content from other sites:

The site does not use embedded content, so no data can be collected.

Statistics and audience measurements

You have the option to refuse linked cookies. Click on “Show cookie banner” in the footer to display the choice banner.

Backups and maintenance

Some of your personal data may be transferred to Google and GoDaddy as part of backups on Google Drive and ManageWP. These data are stored in Ireland and Serbia.

See the full privacy policy.

Version : Français (French)