Hermitage  Auroville June 2, 1972

Douce Mère,

Since a few days, there is an incessant warning so that we may be ready inwardly and on the material plane for the great change. We have swept all preconceived projects from our consciousness so that the vision of the Mother Divine may be accomplished. We want to be absolute slaves of the Lord, just as He has asked us to be. The Mother Divine is almost in entire possession of our active consciousness. The vision is clear – She is the only Reality, the single Will of life, the sole manifestation. You are quite near. We know that at each step You direct us.

Since this change is inevitable and seems to be imminent would it not be desirable that this is effected without drama, noise or pain, in silence and in love. In fact, we do not know anything about what is waiting for us. But all we know is that the Divine Mother, in Her infinite Grace would give us a marvelous opportunity to serve Her, love Her in all who love Her, in all beings, in all existence, for She is the sole existence. A ravishing flow of fugitive names and forms of a single Person, Love personified. What happiness to know, to see that at each instant, everything is a harmony ineffably perfect, mysterious; that at each instant Thou art supremely Victorious. You will call us when it would seem to You that the hour has come. We are under Your orders and wait for Your command. Victory, Victory to Thee, O Douce Mere. May all the beings recognise Thee, love and adore Thee and find the true durable happiness that is Thyself.


Answer given by the Mother

Yes, the moment has come. But it is a long moment and we will need much patience.

It is precisely in silence and in love that this change will best take place and most rapidly. I am with you.

The Mother