Remembrance - To Douce Mère

Douce Mère

Once in an evening class, You mentioned that You were no poet.
But when I read Your prayers ,
I feel the rythm, beauty and imagery of the noblest poetry,
Transporting the soul on its inspired wings to the heart of Mystery.

When I think of Your simple acts and gestures,
I see in them the majesty and greatness of a mystic ritual
Having incalculable spiritual consequences in the history of Time.

When I look at Your drawings and sketches,
I see the soul emerging by the prodigious economy of a few master lines.

When I listen to Your music,
I feel that each phrase is a divine motif for a magnificent symphony.

When I think of You,
All I know is that the Mother is noble and that I belong to Her forever.

I haven't seen any piece of sculpture done by You,
But I meet constantly living souls sculptured by Your hand.

I haven't seen any architecture designed by You,
But I get a glimpse of the wonderful New Haeven that You have created in Your vision.

My whole being lies prostrate at Your feet.


Niranjan Guha Roy

To the Awakened Soul

Frightened souls in search of Light
Fall very often in misleading steps,
Get lost, intoxicated in enchanted labyrinths.
Bright reflexion in a dewdrop of a hidden sun
Holds them prisoners.

O you, awakened soul, call the Haeven to guide you.
The road is long, hard, strewn with a thousand dangers.
Be without ambition, transparent as a diamond.
Examine yourself mercilessly, throw far away your old coat.
Plunge inside, far, far, far in the depths of your mystic heart,
There, find the sacred divine Fire.
Let the divine Force transform the natural man into a rising god.

Become the flame which lights the inanimate candles,
The lighthouse which brings hope in the hopeless night,
A constant link between the haeven and the earth.
Even though our days are counted,
It is necessary to dig, to dig, and to dig again.

The Mother waits for us with all Her sweetness.
You are an immortal soul in a temporary mould.
Even though the body falls exhausted, it does not matter, O pilgrim.
Your soul will return in a more resistant sheath,
Will resume the unfinished task , to dig , to dig.

May your beautiful and generous soul
Emerge henceforth in the Eternity.
Watched by the white peaks, the huge lilies of Himalayas.


Niranjan Guha Roy

The Psychic Being

The psychic being will radiate the divine peace and harmony as a rosebush fills the garden with its fragrance.

The only way to become so is a total and unreserved surrender of our whole being to the Mother Divine.

Niranjan Guha Roy

When the spell of Maya is broken

If the manifestation depended on men, their goodwill, badwill, their refusal or their violent opposition, then nothing would change here. But happily nothing depends on man, his yes or no, his whim  or fancy .Man forgets his Creator , forgets that he is only a puppet , a creation. He is unaware of the secret Divinity who guides his destiny. He is blinded by the power bestowed on him by his generous creator. He weeps, shouts, rebels, fights in a mortal combat God, his persecutor.

The Divinity within remains unshaken, full of love and compassion. Then one day  in a moment of grace, he suddenly has a revelation. - He is nothing, no one, he has no power, he has nothing of his own. He cannot stop his teeth from falling, nor lift his fingers at will! If he desappears from the scene, the world will  go on unaffected. Nothing depends on him. Something else drives him through life. His success and failure are worked out by a Power not his own. The Lord has broken the spell of Maya, now he is really free. There is no one here or anywhere except the unique Divine. This manifestation is His progressive Self-realisation in time. All the beings, forces, events and circumstances are His reflections. His single undivided, undeviating Will is the sole Creator.  Man through an integral surrender of his life, mind and body can become a ray of His blissful Sun, a strain of His music.

Niranjan Guha Roy

Concentrate on the Mother

As we concentrate more and more on the Mother
She will pour Herself in our consciousness
as light, joy, peace, energy and all the riches unknown to us.

When our soul will be like a hot and dry desert aspiring for rain,
then Mother will fill us to the brim and over flow

To be what the Mother Divine wishes us to be is the ultimate Felicity.
A musical instrument for Her use or a carpet under Her feet.
The Eternal Mother is eternally present.
One day we are bound to see Her and remain spellbound


The awakening of the consciousness

is our passport

to the new world


N.Guha Roy


21 February


If we set the compass of our life

Pointed to Her alone

She will lead us by the hand

Into her infinite eternal domains of glory


Douce Mère, Thank You

The attitude of the seeker

The attitude of the seeker should be simple -
I do not want to become the Divine , that is an impossibility, but I have the aspiration to come out of this obscure , ignorant, sorrowful life of unconsciousness.
I aspire for the Divine so that He may gradually replace my limited, blind human consciousness by His luminous eternal consciousness.
My action does not rise from a sense of superiority but it is the basic need of my being, the primordial urge of my life.
I will do whatever is necessary, however difficult, illogical, absurd or ridiculous it might seem to others.
I am not guided by any moral or ethical sense, even patriotic or religious ideals.
I will do only what I feel is helpful for my growth, compatible to my aspiration.
I shall be uncompromising in my inner attitude towards everything that binds me to my humanity and prevents me from receiving the Divine Love

To pray for the divine Presence is a very powerful method.
Then a great purity and adoration seize our heart and being, and an intense love unite us with all.
We will be in the very Heart

N.Guha Roy

Behind eveything is the supreme Consciousness,

The true sadness is the sadness of separation. We want to go back to the Source but we do not know how. As if we have a vague memory ....And one day we hear the Call and from then on, all we do is  in response to that irresistible call. This yoga is precisely for people who have seen all, have had all from the human life. As if for them the human adventure is definitely finished. Then they can throw themselves into the adventure of the future : the adventure of the incarnation of the Spirit in matter

It is an adventure of the joy of discovery. One has to become silent, still the inward struggles, recognise the animal in oneself, and discover in his secret heart, the solar plexus, the source of all divine beauty, joy, purity , liberty, then  listen to the Voice of the Guide, the Friend, the Father, the Mother, the Master. First this Voice seems to come from far, but the more we are eager to listen and obey to It, the more the Voice becomes clear, intimate, near. We begin to feel the Person who speaks . It is the Infinite, the Eternal who draws near and comes into our life. Slowly the contents of the Infinite itself fill us with his peace, joy, infinity without barriers, limits in time and space.. The mortal discovers his immortality in the Spirit.

It is the path that the Mother and Sri Aurobindo have traced for us. In the terrestrial evolution, the time has come, the moment is auspicious. After millenia of struggle, anxiety and frantic seekings, man is on threshold of a wonderful life.

You who feel the sadness , be happy. You who feel empty, consider yourself fortunate. The call of the Spirit is on you.

The ways to reach the Infinite are infinite. Give yourself with love to "This", the Source, then your life will be fulfilled. The great Mystery will penetrate you, will be all around you. A common plastic necklace will put you in contact with the abyss of the wonder of the Mystery. Because it is also a momentary incarnation of the Eternal. The" Divine Folly" will possess you

Look all around..nothing was there, nothing will remain as it is. Everything changes. But who changes? Behind eveything is the body of the Infinite, Eternal, the supreme Consciousness, the Ocean with its changing, noisy, luminous waves.

Once we have felt the Infinite, its benefic and auspicious Presence will take charge of us and of our future.

N.Guha Roy


The marvelous Presence

Each object and being in the universe is an instrument of the Divine and when we rise in consciousness  we see each and every thing and being as a manifestation of the illimitable Divine Being.

For our sadhana, we should not pay a special attention to our individuality or lay too much accent on it. It will be as foolish as a rose saying " I am the central attraction , raison d'etre of the garden, without me this garden would not be a garden at all." Behind, inside and beyond each and all individuals is the Eternal, everywhere, in everything.

The yoga means the discipline for arriving at this fundamental realisation and at the state of union with the Divine. We should try to see more and more the Divine working through everyone, manifesting in everyone and accomplishing His intention in the delight of existence.

As our ego begins to be aware that we are an instrument of the Divine, we have sometimes a great fear of being lost in an infinity where we do not exist anymore as an individuality.But once we cross the border into a true consciousness, there is no longer any sense of separation, even any sense of strong individual existence. It is the single Being in numberless bodies constantly changing and enjoying an eternal existence. Wherever we look, we see the marvelous Presence, whatever we hear is the mysterious voice of that Being, whatever we touch is the sacred substance of His body. It is an utter ravishing divine madness, far beyond the grasp of man and his mind

One day Ramakrishna was going along the streets, he saw 3 women dressed up for attracting clients . He stopped, folded his hands and reverently did Pranam to them. One of the persons accompanying him asked " Master, why did you do that?" Ramakrishna, simple and happy like a child said " I saw the Divine Mother"

In the higher consciousness, it really does not matter whether one exists or not, for all around him, inside, outside, is the great Spirit, the Supreme. There is hardly any need to refer back to oneself. All is a spontaneous movement. The supreme Musician plays the organ, each note is our life and fulfilment. God flows through us and through everyone, flooding us with His joy, rapture and unfathomable, intimate love and tenderness.

Silencing of the mind

As the mind will become quiet, you may begin to feel an impersonal vast Peace spread out infinitely, eternal in character. This is the Self, often experienced and described in spiritual litterature. One has to allow it to settle down in oneself. Then a special care has to be taken not to initiate thinking, because the mind is so much in the habit of thinking that without this thought activity one may feel as if one is becoming incapable of thinking and losing one's mental capacities. But this is only a surface analysis. As one begins to have a direct perception, one sees, one does not think anymore  or thinks less but sees more and more. There is no need even for words. One should take care at this stage to become passive as much as one can. The knowledge of all the different parts of our being will increase. The mental method of logical deduction, inference, approximation, conclusion etc.. will give place more and more to a direct perception, to a clear intuition, to a perfect seing. With the silencing of the mind begins the true journey of the spiritual discovery.

N.Guha Roy