The only goal of our life.



Nowadays I have no plans and projects. As I get in touch with a higher consciousness, I feel as if I have a diseased brain. What appears to us as the normal consciousness seen from above is an absurd, lamentable madness; the body an uncertain, decaying, precarious, animal structure, miraculously kept in order by an Infinite Grace. So my whole concentration is to establish the true consciousness. To see the Divine in every being, in all events and movements, shaping, organising, preparing the world for a higher manifestation.

The Great Mother is constantly at work. Her mission is to create a divine race on earth. We must never forget Her, but allow Her to work for transformation in our consciousness.

I am aware of an absolute power and wisdom and love which is the origin and source of all that exists here and beyond. Just as a tree grows out of a seed, in the same way the world is moving towards a glorious, luminous future. Nothing happens to us which is not already determined. By a total surrender to the Divine Mother without insisting on the fulfillment of our own ideas and desires; by accepting whatever She decides for us and others; by rejecting always everything that comes from the dark, ignorant, lower, vital, mental consciousness; by a growing faith and confidence in the Divine Mother, we are freed from all suffering and enter into an ever happy and harmonious consciousness, and live always in the Presence Divine.

May we want only what She wants.
May we never stand in Her way, in Her work of transformation in us.
May we be faithful to Her and collaborate with Her fully.
May we be always completely under Her divine influence.
The Mother is real. No one, nothing can stand in Her way.
She is our Guide and Pathfinder.


1986 Niranjan Guha Roy







The Mother is the Key, the Door, the Bridge

If one could remember the Mother while at work and consider it as entrusted to us by the Mother,  all belonging to the Mother , any work will become at every second a service dedicated to the Mother. The more we consider this world as belonging to the Mother who is taking care of it in Her absolute wisdom and love, the more we will become aware of Her Presence in things and beings and beyond everything.
If we can remind ourselves everyday that this world was a ball of fire and now is a miracle of human drama, then we will step into the Mystery of God, His self creation. Each thing, each being, lives and glows for a second in the eternity. Behind it all, supporting all, substance of all, forever unseizable yet tangible, perceptible is the supreme fascination, a joy, a love, a beauty which compels us to live and enjoy and pursue It through all time. Once we have a glimpse of Him, of Her, then the life becomes a rhapsody, a song of delight, a game of chase, hide and seek, a tireless happy play with the sweet Companion.

As long as we are attached to the surface glitter, as long as we are satisfied with fugitive pleasures, as long as we are bound and enclosed in our little self, we miss this grand liberation, the vast measureless self play, the Lila of the Divine.
The Mother is the key, the door, the bridge, the stairway, the wide luminous straight auspicious, secure crystal paved Highway to that liberation.


N.guha Roy 1984