Look at the Mystery all around

Look at the mystery all around
Look at the barren frozen fields
With the first rays of the spring sun,
All becomes green, yellow, red, blue and gold,
Song, dance and laughter, air vibrant with perfume.

Look at the stars filled sky at night,
Twinkling, billions of them, far, far away
Yet all made of the same substance : God’s own.

As the sun, moon, earth, air, water, fire and soil and stone
A truckload of garbage contains all our hopes and dreams.
As after a good shower desert blossoms into a garden
So too a bucket full of earth holds within itself, in seeds
Unborn godheads, all our ancestors, our replicas.

Where is death anywhere, even when you and I disappear
In these billions years, we will wake up somewhere beyond
From the all-containing womb of matter after a long rest
To play the eternal comedy again as if for the first time.
Everything that has gone, all that is, all the new to come
All the inconceivable wonders lie dormant in the stars somewhere.
Who knows in a distant galaxy, boys and girls are singing,
Palm trees swaying in the wind, seagulls, dolphins playing in the sea.

No one dies ever, there is only a change of decor and the plot divine.
Souls, souls, billions and billions of souls sleeping all around us
Waiting for the call of the Divine, the magic Flute.

N.Guha Roy

Prayer to the Divine for a world of Harmony

May Your sovereignly benevolent Will be realised by the manifestation of a world of truth, peace and divine harmony
May our surrender become total, perfect without any personal preference.
All is eternally the Divine, one and infinitely multiple. Each one is Thyself. You are at the centre of each one and all. Whatever be the change, the Substance is always the same.
Om tat sat

Everything existing on earth, natural or created by men is the earth itself under different forms. Your Presence in each and all, everywhere behind the most obscure beings, the disguises, deformations, the terrifying forces, the dynamic energies in perpetual changes even in the void and the nothingness is the only constant reality. How can You manifest such a beauty, tenderness, power in some fragile earthen vessels so ephemeral! What a wonderful spectacle, stupefying, endless passes at each instant in front of our soul as witness.

O Magician, Om Mahamaya paramarahasyamayi-amrita chaitanyamayi ananté.

All those actors and actresses each one playing their roles on the scene are Yourself innumerable.

There are still moments of forgetfulness and we fall in an abyss of obscurity. There are still a very great quantity of weeds in the consciousness, a huge work remains to be done and this is why I address to You this prayer:

May I see You more and more with Your own eyes.
May I let You speak through my mouth, love through my heart.
You have become the absolute adored Master of my consciousness, of my existence
You are my beatific paradise, the ocean of eternal peace beauty, harmony, felicity.
Carry me in Your current according to Your WillBe without pity if I loose the way. Put me back forcefully on the track of grace
Be free with me. I want to belong entirely to You outside, inside at all moments.
You are the supreme benediction in the life of each and all

Niranjan Guha Roy _21-February-2000