One single consciousness : the Mother of Love, the Being of Love, Mother indivisible.
One day I found a phrase in Prayers and Meditations of the Mother that was more or less less this « May Your law of Love which is the supreme Will be done » My soul was very happy with this discovery that the supreme Will was a movement of the supreme Love. But the comprehension or rather the vision was escaping me and it is only a few days ago during the music that I could climb and emerge in a consciousness far beyond all that I had felt uptil now-
It was the substance of Love, there was nothing else but an indivisible Love.
One single consciousness : the Mother of Love, the Being of Love, Mother indivisible.
There was not even the Will, it was Love, Love infinite, perfect harmony.
By its presence, by its only presence, a supremely beatific order, inevitable, spontaneous was created.
There was no Will, no action of Will.
Everything was bathing, or rather is bathing in this ocean of Love, all is impregnated with Love, all is substance of Love and my soul was intensely aspiring to become that Love, to merge myself in this ocean of Love and it became this Love in the summit of my being. This infinite Love has become the reality of my being. The Will is absent.
There is one aim – this Love and a prayer has become the symbol of this state but I cannot formulate it but only « Thou, Thou, Thou eternally, Love, Love, Love, Thou art the only reality »
I have had a little glimpse of the Mother Divine.
She is eternally the Whole, far beyond all.
She is the inexprimable Love. This all healing Love, the liberator eternally victorious, the permanent abode.
The Mother Divine is the supreme Magnet and all is organised around Her in beauty, harmony, spontaneously, automatically.
She is here and that is all the truth.
Love, love, love, come to us more and more and consume us.

Niranjan Guha Roy - 1972
The soul sees the Supreme Mother behind the acts of Nature.
The soul sees the Supreme Mother behind the acts of Nature.
The earth becomes the living throbbing body of the Eternal.
A mystic Presence fills the sky and the infinite Space,
An immaterial body made of some absolute consciousness,
Containing limitless oceans of sweet, violent, intolerable,
All-daring, all-conquering, inalterable delight substance
Blots out the concrete material existence to utter
Nothingness, yet the human heart longs for a mortal Divine,
The Supreme incarnate in a human form, close to the soil.
Love in the soul demands an ideal Image to adore.
O Mother Divine, Thou art enthroned in my inmost soul,
Even then my earthly nature yearns for Thy visible Presence
In all its glory embodied in a breathing frame of clay.
O Mother Divine manifest Thy radiance in a human instrument.
May I see Thy supreme body of heavenly light and rapture,
More concrete than matter in all beings and things at all times.
Thy Face, my priceless treasure, Thy hands, my source of energy,
Thy feet, my secure refuge, Thy Presence, the whole meaning
Of my existence. I do not know anyone else but Thyself.
Heaven has no charm for me. Any personal salvation
I do not seek. In Thee I have found all I need in life.
Take possession of my body, life, mind and soul,
Until Thou alone art alive in this clay mould.
At least fill me up with the victorious love divine,
So that I may love Thee, serve Thee in all I meet.
Ignite a huge fire in my soul, the thirst of a burning desert,
An unsatisfied yearning which will keep me running
Through eternity in pursuit of Thy unknowable Presence,
In all forms and beings from the tiniest specks of life
To the most magnificent divinities in the highest heavens.
Niranjan Guha Roy