Om Douce Mère, Om Sri Aurobindo

Make us conscious of Thy Will in us and in the world.
May we live constantly in the vision of Thy unique eternal Reality
Now and ever, here or anywhere, in all existence and beyond.
May we see You only, Sweet Mother, in all things and beings completely unveiled.
May we become conscious of Your spontaneous perfect handling of each situation
Leading the Creation at each moment towards a greater divine manifestation.

All that happens is part of Your conscious action.
As we are not aware of Your intention
And most often do not accept Your way of handling it but rebel against it
We create unhappy confusion and useless suffering.
We must remember at all times that whatever happens in the world, the least movement
Is truly the best that can happen under the circumstances.
If we are conscious and full of trust and faith
Then we will feel everywhere Your Supreme benediction in action.

May we have an unwavering loving faith in You.
May our surrender and collaboration be complete and perfect, a service of love and trust.
There is yet so much unconsciousness in us that the work of purification seems interminable.

But now there is no suffering or regret.
The house cleaning work gives a thrill of joy.
May we keep Your house as clean and tidy as possible.

Om Douce Mère, Om Sri Aurobindo, pranam


Niranjan Guha Roy