There is a dense veil in our consciousness which prevents us from seeing the existence in the true light. Our beginning is accidental, microscopic. We are really nothing but zero , yet we live in the illusion of a false capacity and power of our own. We are just a vase formed by the artist God in a fanciful moment for His delight. We are what we are only by His Grace. We shall be only what He has intended us to be. If we let go of the illusion of our personal authority and surrender to the Divine in a simple, humble way – “Thy will be done” then a loving and unerring Hand begins to organise our life and action. All the time we should be in a peaceful attitude of receptivity. Every time we do what we deeply feel as the right thing to do in the Presence of the Mother, we take a bound forward. Our capacity of discrimination constantly increases. Fear disappears. Since She is our Mother, She knows best what is good for us, and whatever She does for us is for our highest good. She is the best judge of what is good for us. So we must not burden Her with our unillumined demands and desires, but be content with whatever She gives us or decides for us. We must have confidence in the Mother. She is far, far above the human beings and their ignorant ways. She only wants to take us out of our dark, ignorant and painful consciousness.

When I am in the right consciousness, then I feel Her presence all around me,filling the earth and the sky, filling me with a profoundly sweet happiness. Nothing matters at that moment. Even death becomes unreal and meaningless. What a blessing if we could live always in that consciousness! I see how everything is bound to change. Nothing can stop this transformation. The Mother, that infinite sweetness and love, is our real substance. It is just a question of time. As soul after soul will be awakened by Her magic touch, a new race, a new earth will be born. We must forget our little, miserable, insignificant life, and become aware of the magnificent Glory that is eternally around us.

Let us allow That to penetrate us, purify us, prepare us as its instruments for Her manifestation. Our sole aspiration is to be as much as possible conscious of it; to be guided and moved by it as fully as possible. All our acts are a means of expressing our joy and gratitude to the Divine Mother.
Let us remain very peaceful and inwardly  keep the fire burning

Niranjan Guha Roy 1989