Our conception of art( dance, paintin and others forms of art) is not realistic, rather idealistic. We do not try to portray life as it is but to express in the art our aspiration for a more noble and higher life. For we believe that by giving expression to ordinary life with its drama and tragedy, suffering, ignorance and perversion, even its pleasures and happiness, we remain within the bounds of our present limited life and consciousness. We aspire for a better world, free from violence and ugliness and suffering. And in our art we want give expression to that aspiration, to that vision. It is a call for beauty, harmony, peace and unity and joy above all. We give more importance to the aspiration, to the noble intention, to the idealistic approach than to the outer form of expression which will necessarily vary almost from person to person. True aspiration will always bring with it its appropriate form of expression. For example, in front of a magnificent sunset our whole being bows down in gratitude to the great mysterious Spirit of beauty. Works of art without true feelings behind them seem empty and mechanical and have not the power of conviction, at least in the long run. A true artist who feels this gratitude will spontaneously express it in his own way and the result  would be really convincing and convey the message of beauty, harmony and gratitude to the onlooker. Above all the artist himself would be satisfied when there is a deep feeling behind his work. But when we try to reproduce  without experiencing real feelings and emotions then the result is really empty and conveys very little meaning to others and we do not get much joy out of it. The artist should have a  good technique as the foundation but though indispensable, it is not sufficient by itself. It is only when the technique is mastered that the artist begins to emerge .

About dance

If one gives oneself to dance with love and devotion avoiding inferior movements of life, approaching dance with a purer motive, adoration, harmony, beauty, then dance itself will have a transforming influence on life. One becomes aware of one’s own body, need of hygiene, cleanliness, food habits, sleeping habits. The dance will give more vision – one will look more for beauty of expression in all fields. For example, much great painting and sculpture are full of dance – the great masters have brought out the movement of the body. The dance opens a new world of beauty and one will appreciate art better, an abiding interest in life will develop. As one searches for beauty and harmony, he moves away from the grosser instincts. Seeing beauty awakens beauty. Yoga is an entry in beauty, purity, wide goodness, tolerance.

N.Guha Roy 1977