Fierce for the dark hypocrisy , lies and falsehood
Passionate protecting mother for the sincere aspirants to the Light
She is Herself the symbol of absolute love and dedication to the Supreme.
She is the Fire burning, purifying, transforming the argile into gold
Her smile, Her gaze, the music of Her presence
Penetrate the soul in a flow of benedictions.
Luminous Felicity,
She emanates a magnetic grace like the fragance of a flower
An eternal unending Felicity binds us all in Her embrace
The Mother of Divine Love
Her love is like subtle delicate perfume purifying our house of life,
A charming melody turning softly around our soul.
She pours Her love like a sacred rain
Tansforming slowly the arid earth in a garden of roses.

Gentleness , tenderness , compassion incarnate.
She fills our hearts with her appeasing sweetness
And heals all our wounds with her smile.
In our immortal soul, we discover the infinite sweetness
Of the smile of the Divine Mother
The supreme Force , always at work
She directs in detail the evolution of the earth.

Sincerity, simplicity, humility incarnate
This is our Douce Mère
She is incredibly humble, supremely simple, accessible
Clear as the crystal. She is our infaillible friend.
See also
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