
21 February

Remember The Mother, My child

Remember, my child, She is always with you, deep in your soul,
At all hours, Remember, She watches over your life and progress,
With love and care and guide your uncertain steps.

Remember Her wherever you may be in the world.
Repeat her name whenever you have a little time to spare.
She is present everywhere.
To see and feel her Presence, my child,
You have only to switch on the inner Light.
She is inside you, outside you, above and below.
You can feel her love with only a little warmth on your side.

Remember, She will never abandon you even
When you go out of the happy sunlit path.
Remember her love always, She never scolds or punishes,
That is not her way.
She is pouring her love in your heart day and night.

Remember, She is your Mother, Father,Counsellor and Queen.
Remember Her always for She is your closest and dearest Friend.
Hide nothing from Her. Depend on Her for all your needs.

Remember you are her child,
She can never be ashamed of you whatever you do.
Remember Her, She will give you sunshine,
Laughter and joy in life which no one can take away from you.
In spite of your thousand mistakes, hold on to Her,

Remember, Her child can never fail.
Tell Her all your plans and dreams. She is always with you.
Remember, She loves and protect you.
Remember Her when afraid, no one can do any harm to you.
She wants you to be really good, always happy, my child.

Remember, my child
She lives in the heart of all living beings, human and animal.
When you are kind to anyone, remember, you are kind to Her.
Be generous as the ocean,
Fill the world with good thoughts and feelings.
Be straight and simple.
Remember Her always without fail.

Enter your heart to know what She likes,
Remember, never to tell a lie.
She will put within your reach all that is noble and beautiful.
Have the utmost goodwill for all,
Remember, all are her children.

Remember Her for any help
For She is always with you day and night.

Remember, my child,
Your life is worth living only in the service divine.